The following is a list of List of Services we Offer at Affordable PcData Systems.
Olathe, KS 66062
Email Service Dept.

Database and Application solutions using various platforms such as Microsoft Access, VB6, VBA, Dbase III, Foxpro, SQL Server and more.

Website designs using technologies such as Java, ASP, CSS, Database or Data-Drivin pages (CMS), iPhone Compatible Website for your existing Website.

Lost your Windows Password, Can't Access a file, Can't Login to Windows, we can help you get back to normal quickly at a rate you can afford.

Need a Reliable, Performance, Server or Workstation, we can put specs together that will work and use components that have better warranties and more reliability than what they sell at Retail centers.

Server Crash, Trouble with your desktop computer turning on, Is your Desktop, Laptop, Notebook compromised with a Virus, Malware or Spyware or running slow, we can help you.

Need a Workstation setup or a Server reconfiguration, Mail Server with problems, Home Office needing to share a printer, we can help you get it going quickly and correctly.